


Physical Safety Tips For Storing Employee Records


If you work in the HR business, or you are getting ready to enter the field, one thing you will have to focus your attention on is how to safely store employee records, payroll data included. The importance of safely storing accurate personnel records is critical and incommensurable. But if you have not been working in the HR department for a long time, chances are you are pretty clueless about it. You do not know very well which data is meant to be stored and how. And you imagine some aspects might be outsourced to a company like ours. While you are not wrong about that last thought, you may also be required to do a little storing on your own. Here is what you need to know in terms of bare minimum knowledge.

Basic Employee Information To Store

  • The most basic information you will need to focus on storing properly will refer to the personal details of your employees. This will include their names and addresses, as well as date of birth. Their employment history should refer to their job titles and promotions, as well as start dates for each of their previous jobs.

  • Maternity leave data, as well as sickness and lateness reports will all make the absence details of your reports.

  • Their work hours, payment information, and holiday entitlements will be a part of the terms and conditions. Any training they may have received at the job or externally, as well as any disciplinary actions will also need to be included in the same stored employee records.

Where And How To Store Employee Records

  • All paper records should be organized in filing cabinets. In case of a serious computer or server malfunction or a power outage that lasts for several hours, these physical files can be consulted if necessary.

  • While it may be considered a rather inefficient way of storing employee records, it may prove to be quite handy one day.

  • Plus file cabinets can be accurately secured with the help of sturdy locks or padlocks. Consult an experienced locksmith that specializes in commercial services like the Locksmith Finder company and see how soon you can schedule an appointment with them. They can assess all types of locks and fix, replace, or install fresh ones, depending on your custom needs. They have experience working with all types of locks, no matter how simple or advanced, and they can find the ideal locks that can fit any budget. File cabinets inside offices, together with drawers, locker rooms, server rooms, and safes can all represent points of attraction for potential intruders and burglars.

  • Managers need to ensure they are properly sealed and locked at all times, and for this they should also plan ahead effective key management. Locksmiths can also cut master keys that will considerably help limit the access of unauthorized personnel to these sensitive areas.

  • If you plan on also using physical storage option for your employee records, make sure you talk to an authorized locksmith first.

  • Manual electronic records are another alternative. Think of it as a step up filing cabinets, but not the ideal storage solution.

  • Cloud solutions on the other hand will enable you remote access from any location, but it may also subject them to the virtual threat of hackers' attacks online.
