


Are Your Temps Wasting Time Gambling Online?


What all businesses strive to achieve is a higher level of productivity; and since the human factor is critical for all companies, this goal depends on their ability to work at full speed and potential eight, ten, or twelve hours a day. Unfortunately, this is not something realistic, as employees tend to get bored, lose focus, feel drenched out of energy, or lack the necessary motivation from time to time. And when this happens, they begin to slack off and waste precious company time.

Statistics tell us distractions at the workplace come at a high cost for businesses. Time is not the only asset that gets wasted or “stolen” when employees play games on their phones or computers or update their social media profiles while at work. Billions of dollars vanish in the process on a yearly basis. Instead of winning over new customers or working on their tasks, employees mind their personal business. And this is never good for business. If your temporary or part-time is doing the slacking off, we warmly advise you to get in touch with us and let us help you out.

Temporary Workers

Why Does Your Temp Staff Waste Time At Work?

Most part-time, temporary, and full-time employees tend to waste precious time at work because they are not given new tasks to complete. They are either overly-skilled and will usually finish their daily amount of work sooner than anticipated, or there is a problem with the way tasks are being distributed.

Another reason why temps and full-time employees alike tend to waste time at work is related to the fact that they get easily distracted. A pop-up inviting you to play blackjack online for a huge welcome bonus or other perks is a regular sight for a passionate gambler who often times plays using the office computer. But smartphones are also excellent devices gamblers can use to access their favorite games from any remote location and get lost in the fun and thrill. With thousands of online casinos to choose from and even more games to play, it is not difficult to get distracted from work tasks and fail to complete them by the end of the day. Places like Australia Casino offer experienced players and newbies alike the chance to read the latest reviews on the most recent casinos that have emerged online, as well as game reviews, information on the greatest bonuses for new players, first deposits, no deposit bonuses, credit card bonuses and many more. A temp could get easily distracted by reading the latest news in the casino industry and stay up-to-date with fresh content.

Employees who are dissatisfied with the type of work they do or who simply feel bored also likely to slack off a lot. People usually go online when they feel bored; and with so many celebrity social media pages to visit, online streaming movies and games to play, there is no wonder they do.

When working long hours, or there are zero incentives for an employee to improve their productivity, an employee is also prone to engage in different types of activities. Low salaries and sleep deprivation are additional arguments that can be added to the list. Some temps might be so desperate to stop working at their current workplace that they might gamble every day, as often as they can, in an attempt to win a life-changing jackpot and quit.

How Do Temps Waste Time At Work?

Most employees text or have long, personal conversations over the phone, engage in water cooler gossip, go online and read the news, play games, take a lot of snack or smoke breaks, send out personal emails, or engage in conversations with co-workers dropping by.

Efficient Solutions To Increase Work Productivity

Managers need to address these issues by creating a fun work environment and consider setting up a gaming/relaxation room where employees can decompress during breaks and in between difficult projects. By measuring work productivity in an active manner, managers should also be able to score higher results. Breaks should become mandatory, especially in highly demanding and stressful work environments.

Employees who are encouraged to take their legal off days and go on vacations once a year are also prone to spend less time playing blackjack or slots online while they should be working. Not all temp workers are a match for a company. By accurately assessing their performance and abilities, managers should be able to more easily identify the most suitable options and know when it is time to look for someone new.
